“Don’t shrink to fit into someone else’s comfort zones"
If someone who’s living in truth triggers feelings of discomfort within you, it’s not their responsibility to hide from their magic and stop them from sharing their gifts with this world, or to shrink into your perceived comfort zones, it’s yours to acknowledge & heal what is within you that makes you feel this way and then if you’re call to, be courageous enough to share what magic is within you with this world authentically and fearlessly ✨✨✨
She has possibly overcome great fears and failures to be courageous and brave enough to share her self expression and authenticity into the world, she’s living and creating in alignment with her self, she’s walking her own path of truth that only she knows how to do and only she knows how it should look and feel like for her.
If the common awareness is, we don’t see things how they are, we see things how WE are, than that discomfort you feel when you see someone expressing themselves should instead of evoking feelings of judgement or envy towards another could be seen as a light bulb moment for our own self inquiry and perhaps a gateway into diving a little deeper within to acknowledge what needs nurturing and healing.
Once we heal those aspects of self that makes us uncomfortable with others sharing their truthful expression, perhaps we can come to the understanding that the only thing that’s keeping you small or in comparison is your judgement of self or the lack you’re holding within, your lack of self awareness, your lack of self confidence and your lack of self expression, that those brave souls who make you feel uncomfortable are constantly moving and evolving through their own lack and fears are actually wise teachers, that even without you noticing are paving the way for you to show up fearlessly yourself, however that might be, they are not your competitors, they are not someone that has the power to make you uncomfortable, be in awe of her, learn from her, grow from her bravery and strengths, because you have it all within you to be seen just as courageous as her.